S-5 Visa, Assistance to the Government About Commission of a Crime, Permanent Residency (Green Card)
This is a category of visa which can lead to permanent residency for aliens who assist our government in various investigative procedures leading to the arrest of individuals in connection with illegal activities.
The applicant must;
1. possess reliable information regarding an important aspect of a crime or pending commission of a crime,
2. be willing to share this information with law enforcement officials,
3. or to testify in court, and
4. their presence in the U.S. is necessary to the successful investigation or prosecution of the case.
If the information substantially contributed to the investigation or prosecution of a crime then the alien can proceed with an Adjustment of Status for permanent residency.
Since, witnesses sometime get implicated in crimes as accessories after the fact or checked for their own warrants and crimes, it is strongly recommended that all applicants speak with a criminal lawyer and a Charleston immigration attorney before processing this application.