Humanitarian Parole Program
This is a rarely used immigration program. It is for non immigrants, generally inadmissible, who need to come to the U.S., on a temporary basis on a compelling emergency situation. The allowable time in the U.S. corresponds to the time that the emergency or humanitarian situation dictates. The application is made on USCIS form I-131, with accompanying documentation explaining the emergency situation and paying all required filing fees. In addition, a USCIS form I-134, Affidavit of Support must be filed to determine that you will not become a public charge. You can file a re-parole request, for up to 90 days, by re-filing the same USCIS forms with the required filing fees.
If the emergency situation is for medical needs you must submit a physicians explanation of diagnosis and prognosis and how long the treatment will last, reasons why the home country or a neighboring country cannot provide the treatment and the cost of the treatment & how it will be paid. Also, you must submit how you will pay to return to your home country. If a minor needs medical treatment a parents written consent will be required. At Charleston USA Immigration Law Center we have experience in handling these type of cases.
Contact us immediately. Remember, "with immigration. nothing is as simple as it first appears".℠